SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) is a condition that occurs when there is an abnormal growth of “bad” bacteria in the intestine and can cause a variety of uncomfortable digestive symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhoea and malabsorption of nutrients.
From Nutralie, we have launched Digestive Complex, an innovative supplement designed to contribute to an improvement in the health of the digestive system.
In this article, we explain how Digestive Complex can help alleviate the symptoms of SIBO and improve your quality of life.
In SIBO, malabsorption of nutrients is common, which is why our formula contains digestive enzymes that help with this process. Pancreatin (a mixture of amylase, lipase and protease) helps to improve the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Bromelain, obtained from pineapple, and papain – derived from papaya – facilitate the breakdown of proteins, reducing the digestive load and relieving symptoms such as bloating and stomach discomfort.
The turmeric present in the formula contains curcumin, a compound that helps reduce intestinal inflammation, relieving pain and discomfort associated with SIBO. This acts in synergy with ginger which relieves inflammation, reducing bloating and stomach discomfort.
In addition, it contains aloe vera, which has soothing and regenerative properties for the intestinal mucosa and helps promote the repair and health of the intestinal lining.
Plantago ovata, also known as Psyllium, is a soluble fibre that promotes intestinal regularity and favours a balanced intestinal microbiota.
Senna and frangula are natural laxative herbs that help relieve constipation – a common symptom in people with SIBO – and facilitate bowel movements.
Plum promotes healthy bowel movements, reducing the accumulation of toxins and digestive discomfort.
Fennel and cardamom are known for their carminative properties, which help reduce gas formation, which helps relieve the feeling of heaviness and abdominal discomfort.
Probiotics are essential to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microbiota. Our formula contains Lactobacillus gasseri and Bifidobacterium lactis, which help inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and promote healthy intestinal flora.
They help restore bacterial balance in the gut, reducing bacterial overgrowth and reducing the symptoms of SIBO.
Thanks to all the active ingredients it contains, it helps to alleviate these symptoms, which will contribute to improving the quality of life.
Its properties and benefits can be enhanced and complemented by combining its consumption with other supplements to care for your body, such as:
- Hepatic Complex which helps to purify and protect the liver.
- Turmeric Curcuma Complex which helps lower inflammation in the digestive tract