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Digestive upsets can cause discomfort when carrying out your daily tasks and they can prevent you from enjoying your food as you should.

As we have mentioned in previous articles, Nutralie has launched Digestive Complex, an innovative supplement designed to contribute to improved digestive health.

In this article, we explain how Digestive Complex can help you to improve symptoms of indigestion, such as gas, bloating, heaviness, acidity, etc.


Our formula includes ingredients such as fennel and cardamon that act as natural carminatives, which means that they help to reduce the formation of intestinal gas. By relieving gas and bloating, fennel improves digestive comfort and reduces abdominal pressure.

The probiotics Lactobacillus gasseri and Bifidobacterium lactis help to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal microbes and to reduce gas and bloating.


Turmeric is known for its active compound, curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and helps to reduce inflammation in the stomach and intestine, thereby relieving heaviness.

Pancreatin is a blend of digestive enzymes that help to break down carbohydrates, proteins and fat in the intestine, which also helps to reduce the feeling of heaviness.


The ginger included in the formula helps to improve gastric motility, thereby reducing bloating, gas and stomach discomfort. It can also help to relieve nausea and, due to its antiemetic properties, it can improve gastric emptying.

Bromelain and papain help to break up proteins in the stomach, promoting more efficient digestion which helps to relieve heartburn and reduce bloating.


Due to its gentle laxative properties, plantago ovata works in synergy with senna and frangula to relieve constipation. They work jointly with plum juice and aloe vera helping to stimulate intestinal transit, prevent constipation and facilitate regular, healthy bowel movements.


The active ingredients it contains help to relieve these symptoms and, in turn, contribute to a better quality of life.

Its properties and benefits can be boosted and complemented by combining it with other supplements that are ideal for caring for your body:



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