This is one of the star purposes of each new year: to start doing physical exercise. At the beginning of January, many people get into the habit of doing a little sport. However, the idea does not materialize, or has no continuity. Simply aspiring, and with good intentions, is not enough.
With the aim of helping you to fulfil this healthy purpose, we have summarised, in this article, a series of basic tips to know how to start exercising from 0 and not succumb to the attempt. Through these recommendations, getting used to a physical routine will be much easier and more encouraging.
Define well what type of exercise you are going to do
One of the most basic problems is to solve what exercise means to us. We must bear in mind that we are dealing with a very generic concept. Limiting it will help us to establish routines and horizons.
We have many ways of exercising, so it is best to find one that motivates us for some reason. There are many exercises that we can do individually, as well as sports that are also individual, or collective. To make it concrete, then, must be our first step. And not only to do it with the sport practice we choose, but also with the routine in particular. So, for example, instead of saying that we will go for a run, we can specify that we will go for a run, approximately, for 20 minutes, in a certain area.
Be realistic with your objectives: you have just started!
There’s little or no point in getting exhausted one day, from so much physical exercise, if there’s no continuation afterward. That’s why it’s so important to be realistic about your goals. Remember that you have decided to exercise from 0. Following the example of running, it’s better to run for 15-30 minutes at first than to have a 2-hour route on the first day.
Exceeding the initial, more modest objectives will motivate you to continue improving. If, on the other hand, your goals are unrealistic from the start, it will be more difficult to evaluate your progress. It’s good to have ambitions, but you have to move forward little by little. We can’t start from 0 to 100.
Think it’s a good time to have fun and disconnect
We have enough burdensome obligations in life, don’t you think? Take the hours a week that you spend exercising as a moment of relaxation and disconnection. Exercise can be liberating, and even fun, if you find the habits that best suit your tastes and preferences.
Track your progress to be aware of your achievements
Sometimes it is difficult for us to value everything we have, and what we have achieved. Not only in relation to the practice of sport. Therefore, it can be a good incentive, especially in the medium and long term, to record the daily progress we make, by exercising. When you see the contrast between your first days and what you will be able to do later, you will surely have a good reason to feel satisfaction and not to slacken off.
Remember to check that you’re getting the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need to do your sport
To start exercising from 0, we at Nutralie can also advise you on some products that will be beneficial to you. This is the case, for example, with the Magnesium Complex, Glucosamine Complex and Spirulina Elements.
Our Magnesium Complex, which comes in the form of bisglycinate and citrate, thanks to the presence of vitamin C, contributes to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense physical exercise.
Glucosamine Complex has a natural formula containing glucosamine and chondroitin, two ingredients found in cartilage, among others. It is designed to strengthen our bones. The zinc also included in its composition contributes to the maintenance of normal bones.
Finally, Spirulina Elements, which contains Spirulina, a blue-green unicellular algae known to be an important source of protein, also works very well for people who do physical exercise.

So, purposes can be fulfilled!
As you can see in this short article, there are many ways to get your exercise routine going. Apart from a series of decisions and specifics that will help us get into the habit, there are special complexes, available in Nutralie, that represent a support to start exercising from 0 in the best conditions.