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In recent years, the use of probiotics has become more widespread, particularly Lactobacillus Gasseri and Bifidobacterium lactis, since their powerful benefits have been proven to go beyond digestion. When strategically combined with the other active ingredients present in Digestive Complex, probiotics don’t just boost their individual benefits, they also act together to improve gastrointestinal health on different levels.


The probiotic strains Lactobacillus Gasseri and Bifidobacterium lactis work in synergy to cleanse the colon and prevent digestive problems by eliminating harmful bacteria.

They settle in the gut and compete with pathogenic bacteria for the space and nutrients available which prevents the harmful bacteria from adhering and multiplying on the intestinal mucosa.

They also produce organic acids, including lactic acid and acetic acid, and antimicrobial peptides, creating an acidic and hostile environment for pathogenic bacteria and inhibiting their growth and survival.

Moreover, they stimulate the immune response in the intestine, increasing the production of mucins and other proteins that strengthen the intestinal barrier. This helps to boost natural defence against bacterial invasions.


Digestive Complex combines various active ingredients to combat constipation with a laxative effect and, in this case, the probiotics play a vital role by preventing their potential undesirable effects.

On the one hand, psyllium forms a gel which increases the volume and softens the consistency of faeces, helping it to pass through the colon, while the Cassia angustifolia stimulates intestinal contractions, promoting regularity. Additionally, the aloe vera and plum juice provide gentle laxative properties and calm the digestive tract.

The probiotics ensure that the laxative treatment doesn’t destabilise the gut flora, promoting regular and comfortable bowel movement, helping to regulate the bacterial balance during the removal process.


These probiotic strains also have the capacity to help to reduce wind and bloating by improving the digestion of foods that cause fermentation, like various vegetables and pulses.

Their effectiveness increases when combined with other active ingredients. Bromelain improves the digestion of fermentable foods, ginger helps to relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce cramping, promote the expulsion of trapped wind and reduce the formation of wind thanks to its carminative properties and the cardamom prevents wind and bloating, also improving the quality of gut flora.

The combined use of these probiotics and active ingredients offers other unique benefits that could not be obtained with each component separately.


The probiotics Lactobacillus Gasseri and Bifidobacterium Lactis also play a key role in reducing abdominal inflammation and discomfort by aiding the digestion of lactose and other inflammatory nutrients.

Their benefits are enhanced with curcuma, which has anti-inflammatory properties to alleviate gastrointestinal information and improve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome.

They also act in synergy with the pancreatin, a mixture of digestive enzymes that help to decompose carbohydrates, fats and proteins to facilitate the absorption of nutrients, and the ginger, which alleviates upset stomachs by improving blood circulation in the digestive system and stimulating the production of digestive enzymes.

Therefore, the presence of probiotics alongside these active ingredients offers a comprehensive approach to improving digestive health, improving the balance of gut flora and optimum performance, preventing different adverse conditions.

Its properties and benefits can be enhanced and complemented by combining it with taking other supplements, which are ideal for looking after your digestive system:

Original price was: 24,90€.Current price is: 21,17€.




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